Kulp Estates
Tech entrepreneur learning to farm, raise livestock, and build a compound for experiential networking retreats.
Project Progress (4.45%)
Fed the animals (28th rep)
Providing supplementary feed, minerals, hay, and water to the livestock.
Our pipes exploded + how we fixed it
January 01, 2023In this episode I leverage my sole skill: making the best out of a bad situation.
Fed the animals (20th rep)
Providing supplementary feed, minerals, hay, and water to the livestock.
Built a power tool shelf
December 27, 2022Before endeavoring on anything ambitious, I needed to get my workshop in basic order.
Fed the animals (15th rep)
Providing supplementary feed, minerals, hay, and water to the livestock.
Made a work bench
December 26, 2022My first woodworking project in the soon-to-be Kulp Estates workshop.
Fed the animals (14th rep)
Providing supplementary feed, minerals, hay, and water to the livestock.
Hired a ranch hand
December 22, 2022Tapping into the local talent pool to increase leverage on the farm.
Fed the animals (10th rep)
Providing supplementary feed, minerals, hay, and water to the livestock.
Built a hay barn
December 19, 2022My first-ever construction project, a 175 sq foot animal shelter and hay barn.