Kulp Estates
Tech entrepreneur learning to farm, raise livestock, and build a compound for experiential networking retreats.
Project Progress (4.45%)
Building a buffer wall
July 30, 2024preparing for the worst -- a neighborhood development.
Fed the animals (596th rep)
Providing supplementary feed, minerals, hay, and water to the livestock.
Cleanup day
April 06, 2024I rented a dumpster and you should too.
Fed the animals (481st rep)
Providing supplementary feed, minerals, hay, and water to the livestock.
Built a nightstand
January 11, 2024Getting back into furniture making as a hobby.
Fed the animals (395th rep)
Providing supplementary feed, minerals, hay, and water to the livestock.
Built a bridge
January 04, 2024Using utility poles to make a 26 foot long, vehicle-strength bridge over the corner of our pond.
Fed the animals (388th rep)
Providing supplementary feed, minerals, hay, and water to the livestock.
A stoop for the garage
November 12, 2023Taking care of unfinished business by the original home builders.
Fed the animals (335th rep)
Providing supplementary feed, minerals, hay, and water to the livestock.